The Story Of The
Fire Scenario: |
Many moons ago, I regularly tuned into the BBC Radio every
night (via Minnesota Public Radio) before I wondered off into dreamland. On one such occasion, I
heard the host of a certain program ask her
guests this question, "Say your house is on fire and you have two
minutes to leave, what would you take with you?"
"Interesting question," I thought to myself and my grey
cells promptly went to work to find my answer while I listened to the
guest responses.
The first guest answered, "I would take my important documents and
money." Another said, "I would take my valuables - photo albums,
ornaments, expensive paintings..." A third person gave a long list,
such a long list that it is pointless to quote. Finally, one
intelligent person answered, "I wouldn't have time to think about what
to take and would just worry about my safety."
I thought to myself, "Aha, but of course! Where is the time to
think?" However, possible answers to this question still danced in my
head. I
decided to ask my father (whom I greatly admire and love) what he would take
with him in such a scenario. I sent him an email and anxiously awaited his reply.
He emailed back to say, "For me the answer to the question is quite
clear. I would take MY GENIUS. Why? Because, one does not have to
search for it, and there is not much of it!"
Wow! Interestingly long afterwards, when there was a fire alarm in our
apartment building, I
quickly grabbed my passport and wallet, completely forgetting about
this story till later! Think about it... what would YOU take with you?